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Crowdfunding Page Design Tips

Crowdfunding refers to funding a project or a business venture by a large number of people each contributing small amounts of money normally done online, It’s a form of crowd sourcing and another finance option. In 2015, over $34 billion was raised by crowdfunding worldwide.

People who participate in crowdfunding contribute money to projects and ventures they are interested in. Most of them contribute in these projects because they feel a sense of supporting and being part of an innovative service or product. Usually, supporters are always the first to get these products or services at low price compared to the market price. 

Without a good design all your efforts may not work even if your idea is great. In order to sell your product or idea you should present it in a beautiful package.

Let’s look at what you need to successfully design a crowdfunding page and connect to potential investors.


Your brand is composed of your idea. A brand means having visual identity which includes any kind of visuals used on your logo, color etc. A good brand creates an emotional connection with your potential investors which highly influences their investment decision. When you maintain consistency in your branding, you add value to your crowdfunding campaign and also increase investor’s trust.

Some existing crowdfunding campaigns already have a visual identity whereas most of the startups need a basic identity.

Landing page for Pre-launch

To have a successful crowdfunding campaign you need a website that presents your idea in the most beneficial way possible. We recommend to create a landing pageinstead of building multipage resource. Landing page for crowdfunding is the best option to promote your project. In addition, a site enables you to build in advance the base of email addresses of your potential pledgers, in future, it enables you to connect with potential investors.

To be effective we recommend creating a landing page and its promotions several months prior the launch of the campaign itself. Looking to start a crowdfunding campaign?

Crowdfunding page design for Kickstarter & Indiegogo

Kickstarter campaign page is the sales pitch to potential investors. It’s what potential investors read to learn more about the following:

  • Who are you and what drives you to start your project?
  • Your product/service uniqueness
  • Your budget and how you plan to spend the money you get from the campaign
  • The estimate of overall timeline and delivery.

All this information should be communicated in a convincing way by use of text, images, icons, infographics, competitive charts, and .gif images. Here is a proven process to design a Kickstarter campaign page or Indiegogo campaign page:

  1. Market research
  2. Wireframing
  3. Actual building of Kickstarter / Indiegogo campaign page
  4. Send for approval (after creating the 1-st few sections)
  5. Finish the design and send to client for review
  6. Make amendments of the requested changes
  7. Finalize the campaign and send the final files which include the following:
  • Crowdfunding campaign design
  • Campaign card image
  • Video overlay image
  • Overview image
  • Facebook share image
  • Perk images
  1. Upload the campaign into the Kickstarter / Indiegogo platform

This guest blog post was provided by Qubed Agency, a design agency that has helped entrepreneurs all around the world with crowdfunding services. For over 7 years, Qubed Agency has successfully designed several crowdfunding campaigns which have raised millions of dollars. Looking to improve your crowdfunded page design and covert more backers? Contact the Qubed Agency team –

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